Video - 11'29"
Materials: 2005-2012 Lucille Calmel
Remix: 2020-2021 Damien Petitot
Between 2005 and 2012, Lucille Calmel lovingly and compulsively collects texts, links, codes, jpg png, ascii gifs emojis... online to compose emailings sent to pre-facebook groups as well as to tens of thousands of addresses taken from cc... These emailings were also compiled in a long horizontal scroll of 8 hours during the OPEN festival of virtual scenes at the Paris-Villette theatre in 2011 and printed in 5 to 15 meter strips during her retrospective in 2015 at the Puertas de Castilla centre in Murcia (ES).
In parallel, with his performance DATA.me, Damien Petitot leads in 2013 an experimentation that crosses eroticism and distance, code and text, data and disorder, representation and deterioration, in the context of the new intimacy that we share with computers (Madeleine Aktypi).
From these commonalities, Lucille leaves it to Damien to return to these embroidered-linked navigations, marking a time of the internet.
screen captures.