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Hurler sous la lune (Mathias Varenne)


Theater/Video/Music - 80 mn

A story is told. First we witness its construction and then its transformation, as if we are looking through a hallucinating prism that distorts the words and images. Following his research at L’L about the poetry of the beat generation and the work of Allen Ginsberg, Brussels-based artist Mathias Varenne has created Hurler sous la lune. Varenne is fascinated by the importance of orality and storytelling, and yet he questions here the custom of perpetuating one single version (History with a capital H) that disregards the existence of a multiplicity of accounts (histories). Influenced by science-fiction practices, Varenne offers a new form of storytelling with this project. By combining text, video, light, and sound, Hurler sous la lune has the form of a narration that is progressively filtered, as if by a chemical substance or a kaleidoscopic lens; a gesture to remind us that our world, locked in its pragmatic narrations, definitely needs unusual stories, images and heroes.


Author, director, performer: Mathias Varenne Video and light creator, performer: Damien Petitot Sound creation, vocal coach, performer: Myriam Pruvot Scenography: Gaëtan Rusquet Scenography intern : Louise Vandervorst Director assistance: Sophie Maillard Technical director: Xavier Meeus Assistant video & light creation: Adrien Monfleur Artistic accompaniment: L’L Surtitling: Babel Subtitling 

Presentation: Kunstenfestivaldesarts, L’L Production: Mothership asbl Production and diffusion: France Morin/Arts Management Agency Executive production: Kunstenfestivaldesarts Coproduction: Coop asbl, Festival Actoral (Marseille) / L’L foundation Support: Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles-Service du Théâtre, Tax Shelter of the Belgian Federal Government Funding and research support by: L’L / Structure expérimentale de recherche en arts vivants (2013-2018) Thanks to: Lucille Calmel, Stéphane Gladyszewski, Christophe Haleb, Iannis Heaulme, Olivier Hespel


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